Are There Steps I Should Expect During My Dental Implant Treatment Process?

a dental implant bridge being held by two dental implants.

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When it comes to the dental implant treatment process, every person deserves a customized experience. Though the experience itself will vary from patient to patient, the actual step-by-step flow to receive dental implants tends to follow a predictable pattern. Knowing what to expect ahead of time will help patients get ready for the excitement of enjoying a beautiful smile thanks to their new dental implants in Orlando, FL.


A Consultation To Talk About Your Smile Goals With Dental Implants In Orlando, FL

All dental implant treatment journeys start with a consultation. The consultation allows patients to share their smile goals and thoughts with an experienced doctor. The doctor can then help the patient understand their dental implant choices.

During this meeting, the patient will be evaluated using high-tech diagnostic tools. Among these tools is digital smile design software. The digital smile design program can show the patient exactly what they would look like after receiving their dental implants. The digital 3D picture created of “Future You” helps the patient understand just how life-changing dental implants can be, as well as how they can completely change the appearance of their smile.

Using the smile design results as well as other images like CBCT scans, the implant doctor will create a one-of-a-kind dental implant treatment plan. This will be the roadmap to get the patient to the smile that the digital smile design software constructed!


Getting Ready For For Your Dental Implants To Be Placed

After the patient has agreed to their dental implant treatment plan, they will work with the doctor and team to pick a surgery date that works with their schedule. Between their consultation and the date of placement, the patient can get ready for their procedure experience. For instance, the patient will want to be driven home after their dental implants are placed.

Most people like to take a little time off of work after receiving their dental implants. In the meantime, the doctor will get everything ready to ensure that their dental implant treatment goes smoothly. The patient’s temporary restoration that will be attached to their dental implants during placement will be made during this time period, as well.


Your Dental Implant Placement Procedure

The next time the patient comes back to the office will be for their actual dental implant placement surgery, which will rely on a surgical guide that was made specifically for that patient’s case.

The amount of time needed for the surgery will depend on the number of dental implants that the patient is receiving, as well as whether or not they will need to have their failing teeth extracted. With sedation dentistry, the patient will be anxiety-free and comfortable the entire time. When surgery is over, the patient will have a smile that they can use immediately!


Your Final Smile Results With Dental Implants

In a few months, the patient’s mouth will be healed enough to accept their final dental implant restoration. Patients are often surprised at how incredibly natural their restoration looks and feels. Once it has been attached to their dental implants, they will recover around 98-99% of their normal biting and chewing functions—for life.


Get Your Dental Implants In Orlando, FL

The only way to enjoy all the benefits of dental implants is to take the first step and go to a well-respected implant specialist. Our Implants4All office has become one of the most trusted practices for individualized dental implant treatments. To book your initial consultation, come to our dedicated and caring office. Higher confidence, better health, and an improved outlook on life could be as close as a conversation with one of our highly credentialed doctors.

Don’t wait to transform your smile with us.

When it comes to the dental implant treatment process, every person deserves a customized experience. Though the experience itself will vary from patient to patient, the actual step-by-step flow to receive dental implants tends to follow a predictable pattern. Knowing what to expect ahead of time will help patients get ready for the excitement of enjoying a beautiful smile thanks to their new dental implants in Orlando, FL.


A Consultation To Talk About Your Smile Goals With Dental Implants In Orlando, FL

All dental implant treatment journeys start with a consultation. The consultation allows patients to share their smile goals and thoughts with an experienced doctor. The doctor can then help the patient understand their dental implant choices.

During this meeting, the patient will be evaluated using high-tech diagnostic tools. Among these tools is digital smile design software. The digital smile design program can show the patient exactly what they would look like after receiving their dental implants. The digital 3D picture created of “Future You” helps the patient understand just how life-changing dental implants can be, as well as how they can completely change the appearance of their smile.

Using the smile design results as well as other images like CBCT scans, the implant doctor will create a one-of-a-kind dental implant treatment plan. This will be the roadmap to get the patient to the smile that the digital smile design software constructed!


Getting Ready For For Your Dental Implants To Be Placed

After the patient has agreed to their dental implant treatment plan, they will work with the doctor and team to pick a surgery date that works with their schedule. Between their consultation and the date of placement, the patient can get ready for their procedure experience. For instance, the patient will want to be driven home after their dental implants are placed.

Most people like to take a little time off of work after receiving their dental implants. In the meantime, the doctor will get everything ready to ensure that their dental implant treatment goes smoothly. The patient’s temporary restoration that will be attached to their dental implants during placement will be made during this time period, as well.


Your Dental Implant Placement Procedure

The next time the patient comes back to the office will be for their actual dental implant placement surgery, which will rely on a surgical guide that was made specifically for that patient’s case.

The amount of time needed for the surgery will depend on the number of dental implants that the patient is receiving, as well as whether or not they will need to have their failing teeth extracted. With sedation dentistry, the patient will be anxiety-free and comfortable the entire time. When surgery is over, the patient will have a smile that they can use immediately!


Your Final Smile Results With Dental Implants

In a few months, the patient’s mouth will be healed enough to accept their final dental implant restoration. Patients are often surprised at how incredibly natural their restoration looks and feels. Once it has been attached to their dental implants, they will recover around 98-99% of their normal biting and chewing functions—for life.


Get Your Dental Implants In Orlando, FL

The only way to enjoy all the benefits of dental implants is to take the first step and go to a well-respected implant specialist. Our Implants4All office has become one of the most trusted practices for individualized dental implant treatments. To book your initial consultation, come to our dedicated and caring office. Higher confidence, better health, and an improved outlook on life could be as close as a conversation with one of our highly credentialed doctors.

Don’t wait to transform your smile with us. Get in contact with Dr. Alex Planes and our quality team at our Implants4All office to schedule an appointment today!

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